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Venturing out to my community

My name is Richard. I live in Halfpenny Court. I have been encouraged by my staff team to venture out in my community but I have no confidence to do so.

I know that this requires a lot of encourage and reassurance. However with the support of my staff team, I started to build my confidence. Until I finally made a massive decision to take a leap not literally though I suppose!

For years, this is my very first time my staff team supported me to have a meal out in a busy town of Harrogate. At first I was so worried thinking that I would be consumed by my stress. But what happened was a complete opposite.

There I found myself not only enjoying the ambiance but the good food as well in a restaurant. I feel I belong to my community. I feel I am part of it.

Not only that this unfolds what I can do but this opens me a massive opportunity for me to explore. I am now planning to see other places and go out more often.

This is all a sheer determination of my staff team to keep me discover myself in the comfort of my community!


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