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Social Butterfly

Hi, everyone! My name is June and I arrived in St Annes, in May, having moved from Colne.

It has been my dream to move back to where I spent time with my family as it brings back happy memories for me - walking on the promenade and along the beach. I was really excited to move to St Annes as it meant that I would be near the seaside. I’ve been visiting for a few weeks to get to know the area and to choose some things that I might like to do when I moved.

I’m a social butterfly and I love to be out and about chatting to people. This is really important to me. Before I moved in, my support team and ubu helped me connect with my local community. They helped me to find out what was going on and what activities I could do when I arrived. It means that, when I moved in, I had already joined a friendship group that I visited on a weekly basis and I’m part of a craft group. It meant that I had some friendly faces that I knew before making the move. It made all the difference to my moving in experience.

My enabling team understood that I had been feeling a little lonely where I had been living before my big move. They knew it was really important for me to have these things to look forward to and I am excited about the activities that are on offer. Soon, I’ll be going to Southport with the people that I have made friends with from St Andrews Road – I’ve very excited about that trip! My move to St Annes means that I can meet up with my sister more often. She works in St Annes and, every week, I meet her for lunch, and we have a weekly catch up. It is so nice for me!

My ubu team have introduced me to and helped me get to know a couple of other people living at St Andrews Road. We clicked straight away - I really like them and we’ve arranged a trip to the zoo and a BBQ in the garden. I’m very excited about the BBQ as I have invited my sister. She’ll be able to look round my lovely flat. Having nice things and a nice home is really important to me as I haven’t always been as lucky as I am now. One of my ubu team is good at decorating so, together, we have wallpapered a wall. I am in control of making my home my home. I’m looking forward to working on my bedroom next.

If you were to ask me if I like living in my new home, my answer is Yes! I really love it and I am very happy here.


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