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Integrated Society

Hi, my name is Ria and I am an Artist. As an artist, I can sometimes see the world from a different perspective and then I express my thoughts, feelings and realisations through my art. Recently, I have spent some time thinking about an Integrated Society. I pondered over what it means to me and how this could be represented visually.

Throughout my project, I used the following definitions for the terms Integration and Society as a base for my thoughts.

Integration - the action or process of successfully joining or mixing with a different group of people.

Society - people living together in a more or less ordered community.

When I was ready to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions on Integrated Society, I brought together my research with the mediums of photography and screen-printing. The tangible outcome was my banner. My banner captures many different thoughts and feelings around the idea of an integrated society.

I find the word ‘integrated’ very interesting. I like to think of the idea that lots of different people can live together and everyone is equal.

When developing the concept behind my banner, I’m considered integration on many different levels. I thought about integration in terms of my immediate surroundings and where I live, as well as across society as a whole.

My Integrated Home

I live in a flat that’s in a converted textile mill in Leeds. It’s a wonderful way to give the building a second life. I have lived here for about 10 months now and it really feels like home. As with a working mill, the mill now houses lots of different types of people. Some people that live in the mill live with support from ubu and that enables them to better integrate into wider society and be a part of our local community. What makes living at the mill so interesting for me is that we’re a diverse group; some with support needs and others without support needs.

An Integrated Legacy

I feel like living here has kept the culture of the textile mill going. Back in the day, an operating textile mill was the epitome of integration. The mill was often the focal point of the community and it would bring many different types of people together and place people with disabilities to work alongside others in the local area. This is idea has inspired me that - I find this very interesting. I will continue to look into the history of where I live and what that might make me think or feel.

Where do you live? Do you know your history?


Why not, sit back and read more about some of our great successes.

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