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Going on a Summer holiday

Hello! Let me introduce myself – I’m Emma and it has been over 15 years since I last went on a holiday, so I thought it was definitely time that I arranged one.

I love sitting in the sun and people watching. It’s one of the best ways to pass the time and wonder about their stories – without ever having to find out the facts!

Some people head to a travel agent when it’s time to book a holiday, but I knew the best place to start was my ubu support team. They know me well – my likes and dislikes – but they also know the level of support that I need and we used all of this information to begin our search.

With help and support from my staff team at ubu we looked at lots of options that would match the things that I like doing. We came up with a short list that included heat and sun, a nice hotel and a swimming pool. We had an open mind on destination and so began our search.

We began looking for hotels with a good pool with plenty activities and guaranteed sunshine. We found a hotel in Gran Canaria. It had everything that we were looking for and we knew this would be the perfect one.

Safety First

Because it has been such a long time since my last holiday and because the world has changed quite a bit in terms of travel since my last trip, there were quite a few obstacles and problems that my staff team supported me in overcoming. Some people thought that it would be too risky to travel abroad for the first time in 15 years. However, my ubu support team could see that my heart was set on this adventure and they worked with me to address and overcome any barriers between me and my poolside sun lounger.

My team looked at all the risks and worked through ways to remove or reduce the risk, enabling me to book my holiday and stay safe, while reassuring everyone that cares about me that I had thought of all eventualities.

It took time and quite a few discussions, but myself and my support team didn’t give up and, once we had a detailed plan in place, I was able to book my week’s break in the Canary Islands.

Up, Up and Away

One of the barriers that we worked through was the plane journey – but it wasn’t a problem in the slightest!

We had been worried that the plane journey might not be fun or that I might find it stressful or that it could hurt my ears - we were completely wrong.

I loved my plane journey. As we were walking to our seats, I said hello to everyone already sitting down and greeted them with a smile and a laugh. Everyone found my laughter contagious and it brought some sunshine to others on the plane. Once seated and settled, we were up in the air on no time. My staff made sure that I had a great set up with a book, my tablet and a cup of tea. The four-hour just flight flew by.

I had an amazing holiday - as you can see from my pictures

We were very lucky with the weather. It was perfect, with just one cloudy day. We took the opportunity on the cloudy day to explore and we went to the aquarium. My favorite activity was swimming – I just did not want to get out of the pool!

I had waited a long time for this holiday, but it was well worth the wait. It was a massive success and it was perfect.

With support from my ubu team, we overcame any challenges and obstacles. I had an amazing time.


Why not, sit back and read more about some of our great successes.

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