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Adrian’s Amazing Fundraising

Adrian’s story showcases the strength of an individual and highlights what one person can do when they decide they want to make a difference.

Adrian was keen to do something within his community that would make a difference to the people around him. He talked with his ubu support team and, together, they talked over all of the possibilities that Adrian could consider.

One of the ideas that they discussed was a party. Thinking it through, Adrian and the ubu team decided that this would not only make an impact to the community in the short term and offer fun and excitement, but that there might even be an opportunity to raise some funds for his community – with a tombola!

Working with his support team, Adrian enlisted the help of loved ones, friends and neighbours to host a party that would be like no other.

A Young Man That Can

Adrian is a very special person. Those that meet and know Adrian describe him as an extraordinary person who faces his unique challenges with an unwavering resolve. While Adrian may have obstacles to overcome, he always radiates positivity and has a positive spirit that touches everyone he meets.

Adrian began to organise the party – and the first thing he did was to get a team of volunteers to help him. ubu support staff empowered Adrian to decision-make about when his party would be and what would happen on the big day.

They helped to raise awareness of the event in the community and got to work on supporting Adrian in sending out invitations to friends, family members and neighbours. He was even sensible enough to double up the invitations as requests for prizes for the tombola.

The party went with a great bang but it was the tombola that created most excitement as it gave people the chance to win wonderful prizes, but they were also raising funds for a great charity while having fun.

Adrian’s party and tombola exceeded all expectations, driven by Adrian’s determination to make it work and also with the overwhelming support and participation of the community. Laughter filled the air as tickets were drawn, with gasps of joy for the winners as the lucky tickets were announced. Laughs transformed into smiles and contentment.

Adrian and his support staff really could see the difference that the event had made to the community. As well as creating a focus, it left a legacy of an event to talk about. Adrian has been so enthused by his success; he is already planning his next event – with a little help from his friends at ubu.


Why not, sit back and read more about some of our great successes.

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