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Accomplishing a five kilometre walk!

My name is John and I’m from York. My latest accomplishment is to complete a 5 kilometre walk for charity over the Humber Bridge! This is the first time I have ever done a long distance walk. It seemed like a great opportunity to get fit while contributing to my local community.

In the beginning the idea of that amount of exercise made me a bit nervous. I had never really thought about how far I could walk and also how much of a challenge walking 5K might be. But with the encouragement of one of the ubu enabling team who came with me, my nerves turned into excitement.

When we arrived at the starting point it was 8:30 am. I was wearing the t-shirt that was sent to me by Memory Walk the charity I was taking part in the event for. At the start point there were people dancing in the street and cheering the participants on. They looked as excited as I was to get started. I was so happy that I was going to get to walk over the famous Humber Bridge. I have always wanted to have the chance to walk over it as I had been told the views are stunning.

As we started the walk, in true British style, it began to rain and the wind picked up. This did not dampen our spirts and we continued our mission to complete the 5k event.

I enjoyed every minute of the walk even if I did get wet and cold from the weather. The view from the Humber Bridge was just as fantastic as I had imagined.

At the finish line I was given a medal for my achievement. I felt so proud and this really made me feel like I had accomplished my goal. I couldn’t wait to take my medal home and show it to my friends. I have already decided I will be taking part in more walk’s this year. I planning to even try and encourage some friends to do a long distance walk with me.


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