
Apr 1, 2020

Your Country Needs You!

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Become a Social Care Key Workers NOW..

Every second of every day, right here and now there are thousands of amazing front-line caring key worker staff across all Social and Health Care sector services. They are literally our front line “Soldiers” in this war fighting “Coronavirus”. They are the ones who will save and protect us all.

However just as in all “wars” there are not enough soldiers to go around. The country needs more Social and Health care key workers to prevent this virus spreading throughout our communities. It is neither fair nor just that we hear from ministers that volunteers will release this pressure because it won’t and isn’t.

We all need to bear in mind that when the virus has been controlled the war will change its face and a new and challenging economic war will take over. So today we need to attract as many people as we can to join us from within our communities to help fight this war and then begin a new career to create a safer future for everyone.

If you are unemployed and want to help temporarily or if you want a new stable safe career join us now. Become an employee that can also assure you that when this is over you will be in a strong position in a safe and secure job.

Today we are announcing this new recruitment please go to our job site to become a Social Care Worker

Click Here to apply