
Jun 2, 2020

Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s Cloud

When reflecting on the last few weeks of lock down I have had many ups and downs. Mainly missing my family, friends and work colleagues and a massive change in my working day. I do realise we all have to keep safe and look after ourselves as well as being mindful of others that we come into contact with.

Through this time of change and uncertainty I have been mindful of all the beautiful people I have in my life and how lucky I am. I now see all of my family every day through face time, catch up with them, even my 83 year old mum is now on face time so we can all check in with her. I can speak with the people we serve and my staff team without interruptions through teams, we have activities to join in with and have fun with the services throughout UBU.

I go for a walk each day as part of my daily exercise, this was a bit forced on me as the pubs and restaurants are closed no other option really so thanks for that one Boris. This has meant I have seen the unbelievable difference to our environment the beaches are clean the sea is so blue as you can see from the photos have you ever seen Blackpool beaches so clean ? just amazing.

I wake up each day to the sound of the birds singing as very few people commuting to work so very little traffic and pollution. We all may be still in lock down and don’t really know for how long but there is one thing for sure our planet is getting a much needed rest and recuperation from us all. We all have to remain positive and look at the good things we have in life.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s Cloud”
