
Oct 21, 2018

Today’s Work Choices by Dorothy Jarvis-Lee

When recruiting new members we look for something special. Yes I am sure every employer says that so let me explain.

We look for people who can become Enablers, competent managers and leaders who possess the very special qualities of “mindfulness, selflessness and compassion”. Qualities not just relating to the people we serve but equally relating to others.

What we don’t look for metaphorically are “bums on seats”. When joining ubu members do not and can not become just a number. They are a person holding clear responsibilities and a member of a very worthy and responsible team. Everyone has an equally valuable role to perform and everyone is treated in the same manner. Hence our strap line “Standing up Together “

That’s all well and good but finding new members with such qualities in these very demanding recruitment times has been incredibly challenging. With poor government economic value placed on health and social care services, the unbeknown threats of Brexit threatening all uk workforce’s, the UK’s lowest unemployment records in the current western economy there is little wonder why recruitment has been so competitive.

Conversely though it does create a wonderful opportunity for people to choose where they want to work, as all organisations will have a vacancy somewhere. It is a great time for everyone to look around and find the place of work which suites them. A place which has the same values, practices, respect as one has oneself. Somewhere one can be happy in their work. It’s created a time where one can now decide what’s important in life for oneself, how does one want to work, what’s important and what works for them.

In the past everyone spouted out the “work life balance” mantra but the research has proved that this has never actually materialised for most people. One way or another we compromise what we actually want out of and can get from our work, instead of looking at what we want and what is possible.

Remuneration is very important but it is not, and should not be the only driver in today’s world of employment. Indeed remuneration across all industries is subject our national economy and government controls. To be happy at work, likening where one works, what the organisation stands for, developing oneself, enjoying what one does, personal development and work satisfaction, doing something worthwhile, ensuring that one can create a way of life which works for oneself, these are the important criteria people are looking for in today’s employment.

Our employment is here to meet the needs of the people we serve. Covering a 24hr service of person-led support flexibility does pose great challenges, however it is possible to be innovative. Whilst we cannot give everyone exactly what they want, many creative ideas have generated a lot of solutions which have gone a some way towards meeting all parties needs and choices.

Whilst we embrace and are open to new ideas, we are also open and honest and agree we can’t always meet everyone’s workplace aspirations and for some we are not the ideal work place. However for many others we have seem the most amazing increase in commitment, mindfulness and selflessness which has created an environment where many have thrived and grown the skills to achieve amazing ambitions. That is both those we serve as well as those we employ.

We recruit people from every generation and background because we want to make sure that our team members provide the wide range of qualities needed to provide a person-led service personally and effectively.

We take an holistic view of prospective candidates so that we can understand how they communicate, engage and interact with people and the impact that is likely to have on the enabling support they could provide in the future. By understanding someone in 360 degrees we can be sure that the right people are able to work in the best way possible with individuals who really need the best support available. In that way every candidate can see how we are as well so they can make an informed decision on whether we are right for them.

Engaging together is a critical factor in our work as well as every member. We have a strong workforce Person-Led culture which also includes respecting and where possible accommodating our members todays work choices.

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