
Sep 21, 2016

My Journey

Hello, I’m Hannah. I was given the opportunity to join ubu a few months ago, this was a big change for me and I was very nervous. I had been in one job since I was 16 and a new career really scared me. When I started here a wise women told me “It’s better to travel hopefully than arrive.” This a piece of advice I have listen to.

I joined ubu as a Learning and Growing administrator, looking after all training provided to ubu staff. I was given the opportunity to move forward and work in the communications team. My role includes updating our website with news, events and our stories about the people we serve and the outcomes they are achieving.

This week I have written my first article which has been published on the ubu website for everyone to read. I am very proud of my work and how far I have come in such a short space of time. I am not perfect (but who is) so please forgive me if I make mistakes.

Moving to the communication team has taught me a lot about myself. I strongly believe ubu’s mission. “Treat a person as they are and they will remain as they are. Treat a person as they could be and they will become as they should”.

I have developed skills I once thought were out of my reach and I am really enjoying working closely with the people we serve, they have taught me so much. I understand that I am just at the beginning but I am excited to see where my journey will take me.

I am looking forward to getting more of my work added to the website in the future. if you have any stories that you would like to share please send that to me at HannahN@ubu.me.uk