
Feb 10, 2017

Making a very positive choice

A year ago I decided to join a well-known slimming club and it has changed my life for the better. I'm an arts and music enthusiast. I paint, draw, make jewellery and play guitar and keys. I have maintained these pastimes for a long time but I believe you can always find time for something new, which is what my story is about.

Living in my own home, enabled by ubu, has been an exciting journey towards independence. Meeting lots of people and learning to open up to friends too is a far cry from where I used to be in my life. I was lacking in confidence and motivation but the ubu enabling team have helped me to come out of myself. So much so that I have discovered a new found love of cooking and I'm motivated to prepare healthy meals from scratch every week. There isn't now a day when I don't want to chat to everyone about what I'm concocting in my kitchen.

I used to be very lethargic and didn't do much exercise. I thought I ate healthily but when I joined the slimming club I realised that my weight would increase if I continued with my erratic diet. Instantly I was welcomed by my slimming club community and I have made lots of new friends there. Even reading other slimmers stories inspires me to keep going when I have a difficult week.

There have been a few hard moments on the slimming club plan but I have come to find that the hardest weeks become the best learning experiences. They always call for a small change in attitude and routine which makes the biggest difference to what happens in the future weeks. I have found a new attitude to cooking and shopping for food now. I've become completely committed to following the plan because it has worked so well for me.

I have lost four and a half stone so far and I'm not yet at my target weight. I'm increasing my exercise which includes yoga, tap dancing, walking and cycling. The biggest change has been to my kitchen itself. When the food I ate changed, so did my kitchen layout. The ubu enabling team have helped me reorganise cupboards making it easier to access my favourite equipment and we have done a lot of de-cluttering together. I've even chosen a new colour scheme and enjoyed shopping around for coordinating accessories.

I now love sharing my ideas on my slimming club’s webpage and with my friends and the ubu enabling team. I really enjoy finding out about others' tastes and their choice of ingredients. I feel like I have allowed myself to be open minded and lots of tips and advice have come to me from other people. Sometimes it's where to buy a certain vegetable or spice and sometimes completely new recipes for my recipe file. I like photographing food too, showing and sharing my pictures online and getting feedback from other slimmers. I now have a friend that I go to slimming club with. We cook for each other every week, trying to support and motivate each other too.

Even though I tried the same slimming club years ago without much success, but since then their guidelines have changed. Now I find it a lot easier and more sensible which was the reason I joined again. I would recommend trying a slimming club for the supportive atmosphere and value as well as for helping make lifestyle changes and gain confidence.

It has been a year to remember and I have decided already to continue to go to my slimming club meetings even once I have reached when I reach my target weight so that I can keep myself on track maintaining the weight I want to be.

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