
Oct 8, 2017

Let the adventures begin

Robert, a gentleman enabled to live his life with greater independence in the North West, has recently been expressing his interests in different activities that he would like to be involved with. At ubu, we believe that everyone, no matter their ability or background, should have the opportunity to achieve what they want and feel part of the community, so what Robert wanted was something we wanted to try and provide for him.

It all started with his most recent volunteering role; he told his enabling team that he was not happy with his current role and asked for help in trying to find something different. “We discussed what I liked and didn’t like. I wanted something that I could do within the community. I used to deliver newspapers so I wanted something similar to that, where I was out and about and would be around other people in the community.”

Robert started to contact the local volunteer and business centres and made a few appointments but unfortunately nothing came of that. After a long time of trying to contact businesses first-hand there was still nothing appropriate that he could take on. “I nearly gave up until we called Tristan’s Lighthouse because I did work for them in the past and there was actually a place for me doing leaflet deliveries.” He was sent information about the route he would be taking to deliver these leaflets and was ready and roaring by the time it was his start day. “I deliver every week for them now and I love it, I am also meeting people and I’m happy because I’m doing something in my community.”

After staying with his volunteering role for a while, and then after a wonderful holiday to Benidorm, Robert wanted to try something else new. “I loved all the mountains in Benidorm and knew I wanted to get to the top of one and see the view.” Inspired by the other people who were climbing the mountains Robert told his enabling team he wanted to climb one himself, so his team got together to help him arrange this venture.

Robert settled on Snowdonia, however he knew that there were challenges ahead. “I had to be organised because I have asthma and a hernia but that wasn’t going to stop me, I was sure of that.” Robert spent his evenings before his trip familiarising himself with the route he and his enabler would be taking up the mountain.

Soon enough the day to climb Snowdonia had arrived and Robert was prepared and had packed all his essentials for his adventure. “I had proper hiking shoes, a map, a compass and supplies for the journey. We said we might the get the train if I couldn’t make it the whole way but the wind, the rain and the tiredness wouldn’t stop me getting to the top today.”

Once Robert reached the top the fog had set in but he had still achieved his goal! “I didn’t mind, the weather was annoying but I got all the way to the top and we snapped loads of pictures.” Robert decided to try something new and set himself a goal to reach the summit of Snowdonia. At ubu, we believe in encouraging every person we serve to fulfill their goals and dreams and Robert’s dreams were to use his skills in the community and to reach the top of a mountain. We hope next time we get to see him and the fabulous view that you work hard to reach the top of a mountain for.

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