Theo Chatzakis

Sep 8, 2022

Jude Court Garden Project

It all started In lockdown when myself and my friend here at Jude Court came up with an idea that would keep us busy and motivated during the pandemic.

My friend and I decided we were going to transform the garden we have. We started off slowly and gradually, we did things such as weeding, removing any rubbish from the garden, and ensuring all the garden that we were working with was clear and clean. Over time we then did things such as looking at what type of stones we wanted to have and what vision and our end goal to look like and with lots of contributions from my fellow friends here at Jude Court we then decided on what we wanted to look like.

We had stones delivered and we did lots of trips back and forth from the stones that had been delivered to fill the garden. We had lots of help doing this from friends from Jude Court and even the people from the community which was really helpful to us.

We then filled the space with lots of colorful plants and accessories to make the garden look more welcoming and inviting to Jude Court.

We then heard about a garden competition that was taking place which was run by progress, we then decided we wanted to be a part of this as believed we had a chance of winning! Natalie came from progress to look at our garden and take some pictures of the garden, myself and my friend. After some time, we then heard the news that we had won the garden competition and we won the Gold Award for our efforts in turning our small space into a space to be used for everyone.

If you would like any help or advice with any gardening, I would be more than happy to assist please contact Jude Court. We hope that our story has inspired you to get out in the garden or to create an outdoor space and make a difference in your environment.

To see all the entries and the winners you can go to the Progress Housing Group website for more information - click here to open